The Caregivers Project for Renewal
VISION: To eliminate burnout among caregivers, by painting the conversation for Renewal all over society and the world.
WE ARE ALL CAREGIVERS. Caregivers are the “safety net" of society. That upon which everything rests. Renewal is critical and necessary to maintain that "safety net". Therefore, your renewal assists in the continuous rebuilding and maintenance of that "safety net". Your RENEWAL is necessary for society itself.
Course is three days and the hours for each day are 10am-7pm Central, 11am-8pm Eastern on ZOOM.
The price is currently set at $350 for the entire course.
Upcoming Dates (Click to Register)
In this course you will generate renewal in your life and in your work. You may find yourself reinterpreting the meaning of the problems and upsets of daily life, generating renewal for yourself and others regardless of the circumstances, and able to provide individual support for colleagues, clients, and families who are dealing with issues of burnout.
Our work is an expression of the joy and fulfillment of service, and celebration is its voice.
Renew: 1. to restore or replenish; 2. to recover (youth, strength, etc.); 3. to restore to a former state; make new or as if new again; 4. to give a new spiritual strength to; 5. to begin or take up again, as an acquaintance, conversation, etc.; to resume.
Renewal is not an event. It is a state in which one lives. When renewal is available, work is fulfilling and fun. Commitments are nurturing rather than burdensome. With renewal, more gets done in less time without sacrificing relationships with patients, co-workers, and family. Instead of merely providing a refuge, family and friends become partners in life and work.
Caregivers are a critical part of every society. When they are nurtured and honored, a foundation or “safety net" is created which enables the rest of us to go beyond our immediate personal concerns. When burnout damages individual caregivers, we all suffer.
It is normal and natural for us to compromise our short-term well-being when dealing with an emergency. But this response is appropriate only for emergencies. When we use up our own well-being to deal with long-term situations - for example, the prolonged illness of someone we're caring for - the outcome is debilitating and self-defeating.
With Caregivers a message is often heard: "In the name of service, I must sacrifice my own well-being."
Fatigue, frustration, or apathy resulting from prolonged stress, overwork, or intense activity (burned out: consumed; rendered unserviceable or ineffectual by maximum use).
The experience may be described as a feeling of hopelessness, despair, or absolute exhaustion…burnout.
Burnout is especially prevalent among people of high commitment; people who see needs that must be met; people whose passion moves them to take on challenges that are bigger than one person can handle; people who won't rest while there's suffering to be dealt with; people who will sacrifice their own well-being in the service of others. When commitments call for more than one can bring to bear, situations become unworkable and burnout seems inevitable.
This course is designed to leave you naturally preventing burnout & promoting renewal.
"I began the course pretty sure the renewal I needed was less paperwork, less interference from the government, more cooperation from my colleagues and the hospital staff, and definitely more time away from the hospital. Maybe leaving medicine was the answer. Since the course, the situations where I thought, ‘If they would just leave me alone, I could get my work done,’ have become occasions in which I find myself renewed. I've reclaimed who I was when I began medical school, the one who saw that entering medicine was the answer."
H. Bruce Triplett, M.D., Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology
Univ. of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, Kentucky
When I did the course. I really enjoyed it and felt very well taken care of. I was sure I would use what I learned there someday. But before I even got off the flight home, I found myself using the course just naturally. Now not a day goes by that I don't feel like renewal is a blessing in my life and work. I have 80 volunteers, and I want them all to do this course.”
Patrick Springer
Hospice Manager, Houston, Texas
"Before I went to the course, I was really low, both physically and emotionally. I didn't think I could do hospice nursing anymore. I didn't even know if I wanted to be a nurse or not. I'm working as a public health nurse now, and I look forward to volunteering with AIDS patients."
Maureen Settera, RN
Public Health Nurse, Carmel, California
Providing the CareGivers Renewal Course in your community is a unique and powerful way to intervene in the conditions that lead to burnout. We offer the course in any community where an individual or organization will sponsor it.
For more information, contact:
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